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获得无人机(UAV)认证对于在蚊虫控制计划中使用和整合无人机至关重要. But what is a UAV or drone? What goes into earning a certificate? What should one study before taking an exam? 

Associate Field Biologist, Maddie Schmitz, 参观无人机系统的不同类型和组件, the benefits of using drones as a mosquito control tool, the legal requirements and restrictions for drone usage, 以及获得无人机认证的资格要求.

5 Benefits of Drone Usage for Mosquito Control



它的一些用例包括在IPM计划中——特别是在监视领域, 监测和幼虫和成蚊治疗-包括:

  1. 蚊幼虫和成蚊热点遥感与监测
  2. Mapping micro-environmental compositions 
  3. 到达和处理难以到达的地点和静水沉积物
  4. 没有操作足迹或对敏感环境的影响
  5. More precise treatments and product application

获得无人机许可证有助于控制蚊子, as drones are cheaper, more accessible, 而且比其他空中喷洒机部署起来更快.

一架装满蚊子控制颗粒产品的无人机 一架无人机降落在地面上,用于控制蚊子







1. UAVs or Drones


UAVs fall into five weight categories:

  • Nano
  • Micro
  • Small
  • Medium 
  • Large

Additionally, there are four types based on propulsion: 

  • Single rotor
  • Fixed-wing
  • Multirotor  
  • 固定翼混合垂直起降(VTOL),也称为旋翼飞机. 
An example of a Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL

An example of a Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL

For example, 单旋翼无人机看起来像一架只有一个螺旋桨的小型直升机,可以垂直起降. In contrast, 固定翼无人机看起来像一架带有机翼和后部垂直稳定器的小型飞机,可以水平起降. 多旋翼无人机的机身与单旋翼无人机相似,但带有多个螺旋桨. 固定翼混合垂直起降无人机有两个机翼和一个垂直稳定器,每个机翼上有两个旋翼, allowing for vertical or horizontal takeoff and landing.

As per the FAA website, there are currently 878,000 registered drones, with 345,000 commercially and 529,000 recreationally, and are 320,000 certified remote pilots.

2. UAS or Unmanned Aerial System

A UAS, or unmanned aircraft system, encompasses the comprehensive structure of UAV usage, including the drone, the remote pilot and the system connecting the two. 

There are several components to a UAS, including the air vehicle system, which includes the physical drone, power, and lights necessary for flight; the control system, which directs the drone’s movements; the payload, which consists of any added weight, such as sensors or cameras; and the software, which encompasses the computerized aspects of the drone, including the operating system, mapping, processing, and data analysis.

 For instance, when I fly my drone – the UAV -, 完整的无人机系统包括无人机及其功能部件, myself as the pilot, 我的地面控制站和操作系统与无人机通信. 



When it comes to flying a drone, 有必要了解适用的法律要求和限制. 

一个全面的需求列表可以在 FAA website,这类情况的一些例子包括但不限于:

  • Drones that weigh less than 0.55磅或55磅以上必须特别登记. 
  • 飞行时,你必须保持至少3法定英里的能见度, and your maximum speed cannot exceed 87 knots. 
  • Drones cannot fly higher than 400 feet.
  • 无人机必须始终保持在视觉观察者的视线范围内. 
  • 同时操作一架以上的无人机需要特别豁免, 防撞灯必须在3英里外可见.
  • 除非你飞越人烟稀少的地区或商业飞行, there are no operations for moving vehicles.
  • 造成500美元以上损失的事故必须在十天内向国家运输安全委员会报告. 根据使用发生的状态,可能存在不同的条件.
  • 与有人驾驶飞机不同,无人驾驶飞机不需要适航证书. Drones are allowed in Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo airspace with a T C clearance and communication, and in Golf airspace anytime without contact. 

For those unfamiliar with airspace, towered airports typically operate in the busier Bravo, Charlie, and Delta Airspaces. In contrast, non-towered airports are Echo or Golf, and any airspace outside an airport is typically Echo.

A chart denoting airspace classifcations

Eligibility Requirements for Obtaining a UAV Certification

第一次和现在的飞行员的资格要求不同. Non-pilots must be at least 16 years old, able to read, write and speak English, be physically and mentally fit to fly safely, and pass the knowledge exam. In addition, 目前的飞行员必须及时更新他们的飞行评估, which are required every 24 calendar months, or complete online training.

首次飞行员还必须通过在线创建IACRA帐户并与测试中心预约来获得FTN. 在通过知识测试并完成在线FAA表格后, they can obtain a remote pilot certificate. 目前的飞行员不需要参加考试,而是可以完成在线培训课程. 他们还必须通过IACRA完成相同的远程飞行员认证表格.

Although the process may seem daunting, earning a UAV license is relatively easy, 这要归功于准备考试所需的大量资源. 


无人机在蚊虫控制方面的使用增加并不奇怪, given the multitude of benefits they offer to a program. 从难以到达的、几乎没有足迹的地区的目标应用到监测和调查大片土地的能力, their cost-effectiveness, flexibility, 监视能力使它们成为一个项目工具箱中有价值的补充.

 However, 操作人员需要获得无人机许可证,并遵守无人机使用的法律要求和限制, including registration, airspace restrictions, and reporting accidents. While this may seem daunting, 在线和直接来自FAA的大量资源是员工入门的优秀指南.

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