


蚊患综合治理Public health mosquito control programs most often adopt an 蚊患综合治理 (IMM) approach when it comes to their mosquito abatement strategy. IMM的主要组成部分包括监测, 测绘, 杀, 通奸和社区教育. 您可以了解更多Hga010皇冠软件下载IMM的原理 在Hga010皇冠软件下载的训练页面上.

在本地部署灭蚊策略时, 国家, 以及国际层面, community education serves as a means to inform residents and communities and strengthen the impact of control efforts. 然而,, 有效地管理, creating and deploying content can be significant asks for departments that are often resource-strapped and focused on actual mosquito abatement activities.

幸运的是, 行业合作伙伴, 包括产品开发商或设备分销商,如Hga010皇冠软件下载, 能否成为产品和服务内容的宝贵资源. 这些合作伙伴对他们开发和商业化的产品——活性成分——了如指掌, 制定品质, 环境影响, 风险评估及如何评估, 他们何时何地最适合工作. 

像这样, a good industry partner should act as a stewardship and communications resource for mosquito control programs’ social and community education activities. The best mosquito control programs’ social and community education activities will likely leverage industry resources for community education, 并将其与超本地社区信息相结合.


Stewardship and communications support is a crucial part of what we provide to customers and is an important way to support making communities around the world more livable, 安全, 和舒适的. 以下是蚊子控制项目可以从这项技术中受益的几个方面, 操作, 管理行业合作伙伴的支持资源.

1. 回答复杂的、特定产品的问题

与产品相关的问题可能很复杂, 从对活性成分(AIs)的基本调查到令人难以置信的细致调查, 比如  合成和天然拟除虫菊酯的区别. Most programs probably feel comfortable with their working knowledge of the actives they utilize and can reference labels or product guides to answer more complex questions. 然而, 随着新的灭蚊作用方式(MOAs)和化学制剂进入市场, 深入的信息和管理培训对社区教育工作至关重要. 这要从产品制造商开始. 

每个制造商可能以不同的方式进行产品信息管理. One of the ways Hga010皇冠软件下载 maintains information that needs to be readily available about our product is through a “living” document of frequently asked questions. This FAQ document is stored and continuously updated on the specific brand or product pages of our website. Hga010皇冠软件下载 provides this live FAQ document so customers can quickly and easily find the answers to their communities’ questions. 



2. 说明灭蚊产品使用指引

Communities may also seek clarification or have misconceptions about mosquito control treatment methods – especially if the application method is highly visible. 提供产品应用方面的教育, 治疗前后对比, 能有效地对抗这些偏见吗.

例如, 在2019年密歇根州东部马脑炎(EEE)爆发期间, Hga010皇冠软件下载致力于通过空中应急响应计划遏制电子电气设备的传播. 在这次疫情爆发之前, it had been over four decades since aerial adulticide applications had been used for mosquito control in the state. 节目公布后, residents raised concerns and asked for clarifying information about the control practice and product being used. Many assumed that aerial spraying for mosquito control would be similar to aerial agricultural treatments – which is not the case. 

而在航空应用中使用的产品并不是一种新的MOA或化学物质, 应用方法和产品对受影响的社区来说是新的. To bridge the knowledge gap and support the state’s active communication program around the EEE response effort, Hga010皇冠软件下载提供 有关空中灭蚊科学的教育资料 所使用的产品是 长节,一种omri上市的植物杀虫剂,被批准在有机农场和花园及其周围使用. 其中包括内容丰富的博客文章, 为领导媒体和公共关系战略的国家官员提供关键信息支持, 以及各种信息图表,以解决误解并详细解释过程.

These tools allowed Michigan residents to better understand how aerial mosquito control applications work, and have also been found useful by other customers and mosquito control program representatives who conduct adulticide applications by air.

3. 处理和管理暴露和安全问题

Those who have worked in this industry for a while agree that questions about the effect of mosquito control applications on pollinators, 宠物, 人类健康几乎是不可避免的. 居民有理由担心灭蚊产品对自己的影响, 他们的宠物, 以及他们的环境, and mosquito control programs should be able to rely on their 行业合作伙伴 for the best resources to address these concerns.

Mosquito control product registrants will already have a lot of information and data on product health and 安全ty topics, 由于产品注册过程涉及严格的测试, 数据收集和建模. 这项测试提供了他们产品对环境影响的数据, 正确的应用和个人安全设备的需求.

产品注册过程还考虑到应用对其他非靶标的影响, 〇生物 尤其是传粉者. B超出了对特定活性成分的风险评估, manufacturers and product registrants may also partner with a private laboratory or academic researcher to investigate the real-world impact of the product formulation. 例如,y may research the effects of the mosquito control application on honey bees and other pollinators through hive studies or the use of foliar residues. 基于研究结果, 然后,他们可以帮助客户管理这些产品的使用和可能的副作用. 因为注册人对其产品的运营成功和市场采用负责, they should have a vested interest in sharing the relevant information they have to help mitigate any objections or concerns of residents and elevate the overall utility and essentiality of public health mosquito control.

4. 提供媒体和传播协助

像Hga010皇冠软件下载这样的行业合作伙伴也可以为社区提供最好的媒体资源, 从图片和b-roll摄影到视频和现成的内容. 这些信息可以帮助节目节省额外的担忧和有机地采购内容的成本.

除了照片, 视频, and infographics that communities can access from product registrants for content creation and training sessions, 他们还可以从行业合作伙伴那里获得特定于产品的通信工具. 例如,atHga010皇冠软件下载, our product toolkits contain basic information and ready to use tools for properly educating a community on a mosquito control application method or product.  Mosquito control programs can use the information “as is” or they can modify it to best support their community or other communication efforts.

例如, 长节 社区教育工具包包括以下内容:

  • 社区通讯文章
  • 社交媒体的宣传视频
  • 为社交媒体准备的内容时间表
  • 网站样本副本
  • 照片
  • 在本地宣布采用长节的新闻稿模板

5. 促进减少蚊源

蚊子数量的物理控制是每个蚊子控制计划的关键部分. Source reduction – the elimination or permanent removal of water-containing mosquito breeding sites – may involve various activities, 取决于社区. It could be as straightforward as “tip and toss” efforts or as complex as environmental remediation projects to fill, 铲平或排空积水的洼地或不受欢迎的沼泽地区.

通常, 根本不可能消除或减少社区中所有蚊子的栖息地. 在这些情况下, 项目可能会选择使用杀幼虫剂, 当应用于有活跃或潜在蚊子滋生的水源时, 防止蚊子幼虫飞起来, 咬的成年人. Industry partners can offer guidance on which products are best suited for 环境 as well as how and when to use the products for maximum results. 这样,社区更有可能实现控制蚊子的目标.


尽管蚊子控制项目是教育社区的第一线, 他们不应该独自承担所有繁重的工作. Industry partners like Hga010皇冠软件下载 can and should help create content as sources of information and stewards for their products.

开展蚊子控制项目? 通过您的行业合作伙伴,利用您可用的资源-我们随时为您提供帮助.



Hga010皇冠软件下载,我们致力于成为优秀的管家,为我们的社区服务. 每年, 我们有一个爱心日, 我们在全国各地的办事处都关闭了吗, 我们的200多名团队成员花了一天的时间做志愿者……


Hga010皇冠软件下载\’s Give to Tomorrow grant program recognizes and supports non-profit organizations striving to restore, 维护和保护人民的福祉, 环境, 野生动物和食物的生产或获取.


The Hga010皇冠软件下载 Learning Center provides educational resources for mosquito professionals at all levels focusing on mosquito control, 继续教育单位(ceu)工作坊, 以及新兴行业相关主题的网络研讨会.