
Hga010皇冠软件下载的野外科学团队:弥合创新之间的差距 & 实现


Hga010皇冠软件下载’s 场 Science team spearheads the fieldwork 和 trials conducted to assist with developing, registering new 和 existing mosquito control products under EPA 和 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations, 包括新产品与客户的上市及上市后工作. 

结合, 小组成员亦协助整合灭蚊灭虫剂, 市政当局提供杀幼虫剂和应用设备, abatement districts 和 research institutions – often helping to troubleshoot 和 solve unique treatment needs or functions.

了解更多Hga010皇冠软件下载Hga010皇冠软件下载的野外科学团队如下, 包括他们在Hga010皇冠软件下载的角色, 研究领域, 以及现场专业.

Yemi Bullen-McClain -产品创新和领域科学总监

Yemi Bullen-McClain has led Hga010皇冠软件下载’s Product Innovation 和 场 Science teams for over five years, 在庄臣公司长期从事产品化学研究后加入, 重点防治病虫害. 对可持续发展充满热情, she takes pride in creating 和 integrating environmentally friendly mosquito control solutions for use in municipal, 商业和居住环境.

Yemi在开发公共卫生新产品方面发挥了不可或缺的作用, 比如Hga010皇冠软件下载的二重唱HD, 主要研究, 管理Hga010皇冠软件下载的良好实验室规范程序和测试设施, 并跨部门工作以确保及时, 可接受的市场部署. 耶米拥有博士学位.D. in Organic Chemistry from Howard University 和 operates from Hga010皇冠软件下载’s headquarters in Illinois.


德里克·德鲁斯是Hga010皇冠软件下载的野外科学经理, 凭借在Hga010皇冠软件下载和农药行业超过15年的经验. 德里克领导着一个多方面的团队, with concentrations on conducting fieldwork for the registration 和 development of new 和 existing products with the EPA under GLP rules, 执行与蚊子有关的紧急情况的应急行动计划, partnering with 和 educating organizations on proper mosquito control techniques. His enjoyment of researching 和 contributing to mosquito control practices supports this work.

Derek studied Biochemistry at Eastern Illinois University 和 works from Hga010皇冠软件下载’s headquarters in Illinois. 他是美国蚊子控制协会的成员, 他在哪里发表了许多新兴主题的演讲, 例如优化航空颗粒应用, The Form 和 Function of Conducting Caged Trials 和 Wide-Open Thinking On Wide-Area Applications.

Joanna Tyszko -昆虫学经理

Joanna Tyszko是Hga010皇冠软件下载的昆虫学经理, 为Hga010皇冠软件下载的昆虫和实验室带来了超过15年的经验. 特别是, 乔安娜与昆虫团队密切合作,研究蚊子的生态学, 生物学和行为学, 以及抵抗的发展和管理. This work includes introducing 和 rearing new resistant species to test the efficacy of mosquito control formulations, moa和ai. 

Joanna received her bachelors in Biology 和 Chemistry at Dominican University before going on to receive her masters in entomology from the University of Nebraska, 林肯. 她的许多工作已被汇编成出版的研究和演讲,包括 Adding 和 Maintaining Colonies with Known Susceptibility Challenges for Assessing Existing 和 Developing 产品 for Resistance Management  Modifying the St和ard Topical Bioassay: an Innovative Method for New Modes of Action. 乔安娜在Hga010皇冠软件下载的实验室和伊利诺斯总部的昆虫室工作. 


安德鲁·里维拉是Hga010皇冠软件下载的高级野外生物学家, backed by past field experience with the County of San Diego as a Vector Control 和 Surveillance Technician. 在野外科学小组, 安德鲁进行实地和实验室实验, coordinates adulticide 和 larvicide field trials for customers 和 researches 和 reports on these findings. 除了, 他擅长优化客户直升机上的产品分散设备, 固定翼飞机, 卡车和手工背包.

Andrew brings a valuable perspective to any mosquito program due to his interest in using technology 和 equipment within entomology 和 mosquito control. 

他对正在进行的蚊子控制研究做出了贡献, 讲座内容为“水牛城涡轮机在灭蚊方面的应用”, 充分利用你的生物测定, 有机杀虫剂的功效, 长节3.0, When Applied Aerially, S和ular: Natular SC Mixed onto S和 as a Single-Brood. 除了持有成年和幼虫蚊子鉴定证书, 农药监管, 应用与控制, 安德鲁是美国蚊子控制协会的成员, 美国昆虫学会, 以及加州蚊子和病媒控制协会. Andrew earned a BS in Biology with an emphasis in Ecology from San Diego State University, 他现在是生物系的客座讲师吗.



Kattie Morris serves as our Regional 场 Sciences supervisor for the Florida region, 她领导和支持两个生物学家助理. 除了她的主管角色, 她还为我们在美国佛罗里达州的客户提供技术专业知识, 东部及南部地区. 当她不支持客户的时候, she leads the 场 Science team as the Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) study director 和 Principal investigator for new product GLP studies. 

Kattie has been in the industry for six years 和 has contributed numerous presentations to regional 和 national meetings on topics including 保持蚊控的相关性:新兴的行业工具创新田间试验, 优化新产品的操作使用意味着什么. Kattie Morris holds a BS in Biology from Elmhurst University 和 an MS in Biological Sciences from DePaul University 和 operates out of Hga010皇冠软件下载’s headquarters in Illinois.


Victoria Hyrczyk -副野外生物学家

维多利亚获得了布拉德利大学环境科学与生物学学士学位, where she worked as an undergraduate research assistant 和 conducted independent research in entomology. She now collaborates with customers throughout Hga010皇冠软件下载’s Florida region on field trials, 产品采用, 和实现.

她的大部分工作都集中在改进田间试验上, with research including Optimizing Wide Area Applications with Air Blast Equipment 和 Mobile Insectaries.

Madeleine " Maddie " Schmitz -野外生物学家

Maddie Schmitz与Hga010皇冠软件下载的东南客户合作, 组织实地试验,测试和登记新的灭蚊产品. 作为其中的一部分, she works to develop novel protocols 和 methodologies for mosquito control by conducting bioassays 和 product efficacy tests to underst和 behavior by species better.

麦迪还擅长研究, backed by studies focused on documenting variable effects on wildlife behavior – such as in one project, 人为变化:对佛罗里达沼泽野生动物的影响. She also holds a Good Laboratory Practice St和ards certificate 和 is a licensed Pest Control Applicator. Maddie has a BS in Biology focusing on Zoology 和 Marine Biology from the University of Central Florida.



麦肯齐·威尔逊是Hga010皇冠软件下载西海岸客户的合伙人, coordinating 和 conducting field trials for mosquito districts tailored to best fit their regional requirements. 除了这些实验, she supports the testing 和 evaluation of new pesticide formulations for EPA approval.

Mackenzie brings a wealth of knowledge in educating 和 working with communities 和 organizations, 比如她领导WILDCOAST海洋保护区推广计划的经历. She is driven by her desire to incorporate conservation 和 sustainability within public health. She holds a BS in Biology from Point Loma Nazarene University 和 operates throughout Hga010皇冠软件下载’s western regional offices.  


作为一个环境科学家, Tommy Pemrick assists Hga010皇冠软件下载’s field science 和 product development teams in conducting field trials for the screening, 配方的功效验证和优化. 特别是, 他测试了杀幼虫剂的原型和现场测试技术的创新, 设备与技术.

汤米开始在Hga010皇冠软件下载做现场检查技术员, 然后在Hga010皇冠软件下载的监控实验室实习, 收集, 识别, 并对蚊子样本进行西尼罗河病毒检测. 后不久, he accepted a position as an associate biologist before ultimately progressing to his current role as an environmental scientist. Tommy holds a BS in Environmental Science 和 Environmental Studies from Iowa State University 和 operates out of Hga010皇冠软件下载’s Illinois headquarters.


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